Monday, September 9, 2019

Dengue in Brazil, Situation, transmission and control Research Paper

Dengue in Brazil, Situation, transmission and control - Research Paper Example The first reported incidences of dengue in Brazil were in 1923 in Sà £o Paulo and Niteroi in which 11000 people were infected. DENV-1 and DENV-4 were the strains reported, both of which came from the Caribbean and South America over the Venezuelan border (Teixeira, 2008). The Ae aegypti virus was new in Brazil hence was quickly eliminated. DENV1 reappeared in 1986 in Nova Iguaà §u and spread rapidly, with 35000 and 60000 reported incidences in 1986 and 19887 respectively (Marzochi, 1994). DENV-2 came about in Rio de Janeiro and Nova Iguaà §u, where 462 cases and eight deaths took place. Aedes aegypti extended the spread of DENV1 and DENV-2 all over Brazil. DENV-3 serotype was responsible for the 2001 outbreak of dengue in Brazil, with 800000 cases reported. In 2008, 700000 infections and 45000 hospitalizations were reported. Since 1990 to 2008, lethality of 7.4% has occurred due to dengue. Children are the most affected by dengue in Brazil as of 2008 (Teixeira & Barreto, 2008). Preventing and controlling the spread of dengue is a nightmare because of lack of a reliable vaccine and the high competence of the dengue viruses. Ae. aegypti especially is adapted to breeding in highly populated areas and is, therefore, hard to eliminate. Wet tropical conditions also aid these mosquitoes to breed. The control of dengue also involves means that are harmful to the environment since the insecticides used are poisonous, and there are insufficient funds to carry this task (Marzochi, 1994). America stressed on controlling the spread of dengue rather than its elimination since the latter was proving impossible. However, dengue has still been a problem because its strains can spread even in places with fewer vectors. Two projects have been carried out to control it spread but both proved futile due to financial and political limitations. To control its spread, Brazilians have been educated about it through corporate events (Dione &

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